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Confucius Institute

Chinese Culture Activities


I. Learn Tai Chi Together (Cooperation between the National Library Service of Barbados and the Confucius Institute of The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus)

The Learn Tai Chi Together Course is another cooperative effort between the National Library Service of Barbados and the Confucius Institute of The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus which is presented free of cost to participants. This class provides warm-up and warm down exercises, key movements of Yang Style Tai Chi, helping participants to feel refreshed and peaceful with gentle exercise as well as to improve and maintain balance, coordination and proper breathing.
Course dates: (To be announced)
Time: (To be announced). 8-10 classes altogether.
Location: On line.
Cost: Free.
Capacity: 5 students in classroom and additional students online.


II. Chinese Bridge Competition

The Chinese Bridge Competition (held annually in June and July) is a joint effort of the Confucius Institute at The University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus, and the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Barbados. The competition seeks to provide a platform for young students to showcase their Chinese proficiency, exchange knowledge with peers, improve their understanding of Chinese culture as well as increase their interest in learning the language. Candidates will be assessed by the following: Chinese language proficiency; Knowledge of China; Chinese cultural skills: Chinese song, dance, folk arts, acrobatics, musical instruments, calligraphy, Chinese paintings, paper-cutting, martial arts, traditional sports, etc; Comprehensive learning ability: practical application of ability through training.  Eligible age groups: Primary (ages 6-10); Secondary (ages 13-18); Tertiary (ages18-30). Eligible candidates must be: Citizens/Residents of Barbados; Native English speakers; Raised in Barbados; No prior residency in China; Age ranges stated above; Current students in Barbados. Winners of previous competitions are not permitted to participate in two consecutive competitions.


III. China in My Eyes Competition

This competition, started by the CI in 2019, provides contestants with the opportunity to share their view of China by way of poetry and prose (2019), karaoke (2020), talent (2021).  Please contact the CI for further details on plans for the next completion in 2022.


IV. Summer Camp

The Confucius Institute, prior to the onset of the COVID -19 pandemic, organized an annual Summer Camp to China for approved students, faculty and friends of the CI. Priority has been given to persons with HSK certification or some special talent in Chinese culture. The scholarship provided covers costs in China namely, accommodation, meals, domestic travel, local transportation, training and cultural activities. Participants cover the cost of international travel to and from China. Please contact the CI for details on resumption.


V. CI Culture Club

The CI utilizes the teaching of Chinese culture as a vehicle for Mandarin teaching via its Culture Club which is held every other Friday afternoon from 3:00 p.m. These activities include:
Chinese Cuisine: The CI feature event called “One Person, One Dish” which pairs the preparation of a Chinese dish with the preparation of a Caribbean dish and includes a discussion on the cultural similarities and differences.
China in My Eyes (First Person): Persons who have studied, worked and lived in China give first hand presentations on their experiences of life in China.
Tai Chi:  On line classes presented in cooperation with the NLS of Barbados. Work is also ongoing on developing a Tai Chi Martial Arts Team.
Chinese Corner:  This series, modeled after the “English Corner” in China, provides participants with information on language strategies, techniques for learning Chinese as well as more opportunities for students to practice Chinese.
Chinese Opera: There are plans to invite one or two professional actors or actresses to do an online lecture.
Consideration is being given to other new progammes in Chinese pottery, handicrafts and dance.


VI. Chinese Talent courses

Short courses will be provided, depending on the availability of teachers, on topics such as: Calligraphy, Tai Chi, Chinese Songs, Opera as well as Dance. Interested students will acquire basic knowledge of the respective topics and the ability to make short performances. Contact the CI for schedule and availability.