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Qualifications for Undergraduate Entry

Faculty:  Culture, Creative and Performing Arts | Medical Sciences | Humanities and Education | Law | Science and Technology | Social Sciences | Sport
Our university offers a wide range of undergraduate degree programmes across seven faculties. We invite prospective applicants to explore our diverse offerings by browsing our Quick Guide.


Entry Requirements:

Three-Year Programme
  • Minimum of five (5) CSEC (CXC) General Proficiency (Grade I-III) or GCE Subjects or equivalent.
  • Compulsory - English Language
  • Passes in TWO 2-unit CAPE/GCE A-Level subjects  OR
    An Associate Degree from the Barbados Community College (BCC), College of the Bahamas (COB), or St. John's College, Belize with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 or above OR
    A Diploma pursued over three (3) years from an approved Teacher's Training College or a Diploma pursued over two (2) years, together with a one year internship, provided that the holder has at least four (4) CSEC General Proficiency (Grade I-III) or GCE O-Level passes including English Language OR
    Other approved Diplomas and Certificates
Four-Year Programme
  • Passes in at least five (5) CXC General Proficiency (Grades I-III) or GCE 'O' Level subjects, including English Language and either one of the following: a foreign language, Mathematics, Geography, or an approved science subject.
Programme-specific entry requirements:
Department of Cutural Studies:
Bachelor of Arts (Caribbean Studies).
Normal University requirements as above.
Department of Creative and Performing Arts:
Bachelor of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Arts Degree Programmes (Dance, Film, Music, Theatre majors, specials or specialisations)
Prior to admission to the BFA or BA programmes in the Department of Creative and Performing Arts, ALL qualified applicants are required to submit a sample of their creative work and take part in an interview and/or audition.  To learn more about the specific requirements for submission of creative work, please refer to the applicant brief.   Additionally, the following discipline-specific requirements pertains:

DANCE: Applicants intending to major or specialise in Dance Applicants will be asked to complete the following in order to assess their readiness for the programme (i) an Afro-Contemporary dance class: a warm-up, movement across the floor, a repertory phrase, (ii) a two minute self-choreographed or repertory solo prepared by the applicant.  All dance styles are welcomed (iii) an interview with academic staff in dance. Regional/international students: Each prospective regional/international student for the Dance programme will be invited to an interview via Zoom or other video chat platform, and asked to submit either a digital video file, or a Youtube or Vimeo link to a recording of the following (i) a dance class featuring the applicant learning from a teacher of their choice, (ii) a two minute self-choreographed or repertory solo.  All dance styles are welcomed. In the video, candidates must wear clothing that allows for the full and comfortable movement of the body. Hair must be tied back, no jewelry. 

THEATRE: Applicants in the BFA Creative Arts intending to specialise in Theatre, are required to attend and interview and audition. They are expected to prepare and present (i) two prepared actor’s pieces, including a monologue and/or (ii) a song or a segment of a song of no more than two minutes’ length.

FILM: Applicants intending to major or specialise in Film are required to submit a creative work (film/video) of one to three minutes’ length, in which they played a key creative role (writer, director, editor). Alternatively, applicants may submit three film clips which have inspired them with brief notes as to why they have selected each clip.  A photo-essay, photo-story and/or portfolio of photographs are also accepted with the submission.

MUSIC: Applicants majoring in Music are required to audition and attend an interview scheduled on the same day. The audition includes (i) performance of two contrasting pieces; “contrasting” can be defined in different ways (e.g., lyrical vs. technical, early music vs. twentieth century, self-composed vs. a cover tune, etc.), (ii) Demonstration of technical competence including scales, chords, rhythms, arpeggios, etc. (iii) sight-reading i.e. performing a piece of music at sight.


To be qualified for entry, applicants must satisfy both the general matriculation requirements of the University and the specific requirements of the Faculty of Medical Sciences: 


General Matriculation requirements:
Minimum of five (5) CSEC (CXC) subjects (gen. prof. Grades I-III) and/or GCE ‘O’ Levels (grades A-C) including English Language and Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics

Specific requirements:
The minimum academic requirements for admission to the MBBS Programme are based on performance in the Caribbean Proficiency Examination (CAPE)/GCE ‘A’ Level Examinations or their equivalent.
Applicants must:
  • Have attained their 18th birthday by December 30 of the year of entry
  • Have achieved passes in three (3) Two-Unit CAPE or three (3) ‘A’ Level subjects according to any one of the following schemes


Scheme (CAPE)/GCE ‘A’ Level passes Must include these subject(s) among the five (5) CXC /GCE ‘O’ Level passes required for matriculation
A Chemistry, Biology/Zoology and either Physics or Math.  
B Biology/Zoology, Chemistry and a non-science subject  Physics

Applications to enter the MBBS will be also considered in the following categories:

  • Applicants seeking transfer to Medical Sciences from the Faculties of Science & Technology and Food & Agriculture at St Augustine, will only be considered on completion of the Preliminary and/or Introductory courses of the programme.
  • Such applicants must complete and submit a Transfer Form (only) by the second Friday in January of the year of application.
  • The academic standard for entry will be based on a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.5 with a minimum Grade of B in Chemistry, Biology and one other subject. (if the third subject is not Physics, Physics must have been passed at the CSEC (CXC)/GCE O’ Level/BGCSE or approved equivalent qualifications).
Applicants Holding UWI Science Degrees
Persons holding a UWI first degree from the Faculties of Science and Technology (formerly Pure and Applied Sciences) with a minimum of lower second-class honours may be considered for entry.


Applicants Holding Degrees from other Universities
Persons holding degrees from Universities other than the UWI will also be considered provided that:
  • The University which granted the degree is recognized by the UWI as competitive.
  • Credits have been obtained in Biology / Zoology and Chemistry
  • A minimum cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.0 or its equivalent has been obtained.

Associate Degrees and Community Colleges
Applicants holding a triple major Associate Degree from an approved community college will be considered provided that a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or greater has been attained.

Equivalent qualifications
Applications may also be considered from persons holding other qualifications which are deemed by the Faculty to be equivalent to the categories above as determined from official transcripts.
Please note that entry into the MBBS Medical Undergraduate Degree Programme is highly competitive and being qualified is not a guarantee of acceptance.

Non-academic/Co-curricular criteria
  • All applicants are required to submit certified evidence of their involvement in co-curricular activities in support of their application (see guidelines for submission in application package)
  • Recent and/or sustained involvement of the applicant in such activities will be considered in assessing the suitability of applicants for a career in medicine.
In addition to the co-curricular form, applicants to this faculty must submit a short (300 word or less) autobiographic sketch outlining the reasons for their career choice.   Click here to download co-curricular form.

Students in Medicine must also meet the technical standards that are deemed essential for training and practice in the profession. To review the technical standards please click here.

Bachelor of Health Sciences

Entry Requirements:

Duration of the Programme

Three (3) years of full-time study.  Seven (7) years of part-time study.

Qualification for Admission
Students seeking admission to the degree programme must fulfill the following normal matriculation requirements:
  • CXC Certificates, General Certificates of Education (GCE) Holders of the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) Certificates and/or Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC), General Certificates of Education (GCE), Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) (or the approved equivalents in Matricualtion Regulation)
                                  ▪ CSEC subjects/ GCE O’ level o Mathematics, English Language, Biology, Chemistry & Physics
                                  ▪ CAPE/ GCE A’ Level  Biology/Zoology OR Chemistry and a non-science subject
  • Associate degree, diploma(s) and certificate(s) from other health science programmes at a reputable institution will be also be considered for entry.

o Exemptions with credits may be granted.
o Relevant work experience may be considered for matriculation.

For students writing CAPE, candidates who have passed two (2) 2-unit courses in a particular subject area fall within the two (2) A Level matriculation standing. Six (6) Caribbean Advanced Proficiency examinations (CAPE) Units, including the two single-unit courses - Caribbean Studies and Communication Studies are required normal matriculation.

Faculty Requirements: 
Candidates must also satisfy ONE (1) of the following requirements (A, B or C):

  1. GCE O’levels (grades A to C)/CXC/CSEC General Proficiency level (grades 1 & 2 pre 1998; grades 1 to 3 from 1998) in English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics
  2. GCE A’Levels / CAPE (2 units per subject): a minimum of two Subjects chosen from Chemistry OR Biology/Zoology and a non-science subject 

UWI, Preliminary Pure & Applied Science Course (N1): Chemistry, Life Sciences
Equivalent qualifications (as determined from transcripts) to those above.
Mature students (≥ 21 years) with Associate degrees, diplomas and certificates in health related sciences inclusive of the GCE O’Level/CXC/CSEC requirements stated above at A (i) and relevant work experience in a research/medical setting.


BSc Human Nutrition and Dietetics

Entry Requirements:

General Matriculation requirements:
Minimum of five (5) CSEC (CXC) subjects (gen. prof. Grades I-III) and/or GCE ‘O’ Levels (grades A-C) including:
English Language and Mathematics
Biology and/or Human and Social Biology,
And any other appropriate unit
Specific requirements:
The minimum academic requirements for admission to the Human Nutrition and Dietetics Programme are based on performance in the Caribbean Proficiency Examination (CAPE)/GCE ‘A’ Level Examinations or their equivalent of which one must be a science subject.
Applicants must have:
  • attained their 18th birthday by December 30 of the year of entry.
  • achieved passes in two (2) Two-Unit CAPE two (2) ‘A’ Level subjects including Biology, Chemistry or Physics and any other unit   
  • equivalent qualifications (as determined from transcript)
  • evidence of involvement in co-curricular activities
Applicants Holding Degrees from other Universities
Persons holding degrees in the appropriate natural science disciplines from Universities other than the UWI will also be considered provided that:
  • The University which granted the degree is recognized by the UWI as competitive.
  • A minimum cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.0 or its equivalent has been obtained.

Associate Degrees and Community Colleges
Applicants holding an Associate Degree from an approved community college will be considered provided that a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or greater has been attained in the appropriate natural science subjects.

Equivalent qualifications
Applications may also be considered from persons holding other qualifications which are deemed by the Faculty to be equivalent to the categories above as determined from official transcripts.

Mature Students
Mature students (21 years of age and older) with Associate degrees, diplomas and certification in a health-related discipline inclusive of the GCE O’Level/CXC/CSEC requirements stated and the relevant work experience will be considered.

Please note that entry into the Human Nutrition and Dietetic Undergraduate Degree Programme is highly competitive and being qualified is not a guarantee of acceptance.
Non-academic/Co-curricular criteria
  • All applicants are required to submit certified evidence of their involvement in co-curricular activities in support of their application (see guidelines for submission in application package)
  • Recent and/or sustained involvement of the applicant in such activities will be considered in assessing the suitability of applicants for a career in Human Nutrition and Dietetics.
In addition to the co-curricular form, applicants to this Faculty must submit a short (300 word or less) autobiographic sketch outlining the reasons for their career choice.




Entry Requirements:

Three-Year Programme
  • Minimum of five (5) CSEC (CXC) General Proficiency (Grade I-III) or GCE Subjects
  • Compulsory - English Language
  • Passes in two 2-unit CAPE/GCE A-Level subjects

An Associate Degree from the Barbados Community College (BCC), College of the Bahamas (COB), or St. John's College, Belize with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 or above.

A Diploma pursued over three (3) years from an approved Teacher's Training College or a Diploma pursued over two (2) years, together with a one year internship, provided that the holder has at least four (4) CSEC General Proficiency (Grade I-III) or GCE O-Level passes including English Language.
Other approved Diplomas and Certificates

Four-Year Programme
Passes in at least five (5) CXC General Proficiency (Grades I-III) or GCE 'O' Level subjects including English Language and either one of the following: a foreign language, Elementary Mathematics, Geography, or an approved science subject .



Entry Requirements:
  • Minimum of five (5) CSEC (CXC) General Proficiency (Grades I-III) or GCE O-Level
  • Compulsory - English Language
  • Passes with highly competitive grades in at least two 2-unit CAPE subjects/two GCE A-Level subjects.

An Associate Degree from an approved Tertiary Level Institute with a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0


Entry Requirements:

Three-Year Programme
  • Minimum of five (5) CSEC (CXC) General Proficiency (Grades I-III) or GCE O-Level subjects
  • Compulsory - English Language and Mathematics and two (2) approved laboratory science subjects and one (1) other subject
  • Passes in at least two 2-unit CAPE/GCE A-Level subjects according to the field of study as shown according to this link.
  • An Associate Degree from an approved Tertiary Level Institute with a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 in the programme related subject(s)

Four-Year Programme (Cave Hill and Mona)
  • Minimum of five (5) CSEC (CXC) General Proficiency (Grades I-III) or GCE O-Level Grade (A - C) subjects
  • Compulsory - English Language and Mathematics
  • Two approved laboratory science subjects

Approved Laboratory Science Subjects


Entry Requirements:

Three-Year Programme
  • Minimum of five (5) CSEC (CXC) General Proficiency (Grades I-III) or GCE subjects
  • Compulsory - English Language, Mathematics
  • Passes in at least two 2-unit CAPE subjects/two GCE Advanced level subjects or the equivalent
  • An Associate Degree from an approved Tertiary Level Institute with a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 

Four-Year Programme
  • Minimum of five (5) CSEC (CXC) General Proficiency (Grades I-III) or GCE O-Level subjects
  • Compulsory-English Language
  • Either one (1) of the following: a foreign language, Elementary Mathematics, Geography or an approved Science subject.

B. Sc. Hospitality & Tourism Management

This is a four-year programme which is offered jointly with the Barbados Community College.

Applicants are required to first complete:
The two-year Associate Degree in Applied Arts-Tourism and Travel.
The Associate Degree in Applied Arts - Hotel Catering & Institutional Operations (or equivalent) with a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of  2.75 before being admitted to years 3 and 4 in the Faculty.

  • B.Sc. Social Work

Each applicant, irrespective of academic qualifications, must satisfy the following programme application requirements:-
  • Request two (2) referees to submit to the Senior Assistant Registrar, (Admissions), CONFIDENTIAL references on the applicant attesting to his/her suitability for professional Social Work.
  • Submit along with the application, a personal statement of between 250 and 300 words in length, giving his/her reasons for wanting to study for the degree in Social Work.
  • Attend as requested an interview with the Faculty of Social Sciences personnel or, in respect of applicants from non-campus countries, with persons nominated by the Faculty.




Entry Requirements:

Three-Year Programme (full-time)
  • Minimum of five (5) CSEC(CXC) General Proficiency which must include English, Mathematics, a lab Science subject, and two additional subjects.
  • Passes in at least two 2-unit CAPE subjects/two GCE Advanced level subjects or the equivalent 
  • An Associate Degree from an approved Tertiary Level Institute with a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 

Four-Year Programme (part-time)
  • Minimum of five (5) CSEC(CXC) General Proficiency which must include English, Mathematics, a lab Science subject, and two additional subjects.
Faculty:  Culture, Creative and Performing Arts | Medical Sciences | Humanities and Education | Law | Science and Technology | Social Sciences | Sport