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Faculty of Social Sciences

Sagicor Cave Hill School of Business and Management

Professional Development

Short Courses

We provide ever-evolving, timely and relevant courses to the general public that meet the needs of today’s business community and the demands of the dynamic business world. These programmes span a variety of topics and are conducted in a face-to-face or online environment. Some of the competencies include Trainer Qualification, Leadership Development, Personal Mastery, Management Skills, Financial Literacy, Entrepreneurial Skills and much more.

Short Courses

Through our short courses, the Sagicor Cave Hill School of Business and Management (SCHSBM) provides participants with practical information, skills and techniques that can be immediately and successfully applied to their daily work. These courses are specifically designed to deliver practical, cutting-edge business knowledge relevant to issues that participants currently confront and are expected to face in the future.

Available Courses:

Executive Education


Executive Education at SCHSBM is designed to meet the unique developmental needs of Executives and Senior Managers as they advance in their careers. Graduates of Executive Education programmes at CHSBM leave with contemporary business knowledge, enhanced critical thinking skills and a firm grasp of the practical and relevant techniques for organisational visioning and growth. Find out what courses are offered »

Centre for Professional Development and Lifelong Learning (CPDLL)


The Centre for Professional Development and Lifelong Learning (CPDLL) at the Cave Hill Campus is committed to providing professional development and lifelong learning opportunities in a diverse range of interest areas for adult learners across the globe. We offer an exciting range of innovative and flexible offerings, facilitated by qualified regional and international experts. Become a lifelong learner by joining us at the CPDLL!

Take a range of short courses from other Faculties and Schools at the Cave Hill Campus.

Centre for Professional Development and Lifelong Learning (CPDLL)
Sagicor Cave Hill School of Business and Management
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