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Study Options

We offer you an intellectually stimulating academic community in which to pursue your dreams and broaden your cultural horizons as you experience the vibrancy and beauty of Caribbean life and living. 

Depending on your goals, you may apply to pursue:

1. A full undergraduate or postgraduate degree, diploma or certificate programme
We offer over 350 programmes across seven Faculties. Ready to apply for a full degree, diploma or certificate programme?  CLICK HERE

2. A semester or a year as an Exchange Student from one of our Partner Institutions 

3. A semester or a year as an Independent Study Abroad Student
  • We accept undergraduate and postgraduate students from established institutions interested in studying  with us for a semester or a year. Your institution approves your programme, you pay us for the credits taken, and we provide your institution with your official transcript and grades.
  • Programmes popular with exchange and study abroad students include Caribbean studies, cultural studies, creative and performing arts, literature, Caribbean history, environmental studies and resource management. Apply Here 
4. A Medical Elective - we accept Medical Students for electives subject to the approval of the Faculty of Medical Sciences 

5. A Caribbean Summer or Winter Institute or other short courses and programmes

6. A Summer School course/s

7. Courses as a Specially Admitted Student

8. Research opportunities and collaborations


Steps for Applying for the Student Exchange Programme

1. Contact Your Home Institution
Applications must be forwarded to the International Office at Cave Hill by the home institution.

2. Submit Exchange Application Form
All applicants are required to complete the appropriate exchange application form. This is then submitted to the International Office at Cave Hill by the applicant's home institution by the deadline - APRIL 15TH.
  • When completing the application forms students should clearly print their email address. Email is the main means of communication between the International at Cave Hill and Incoming Exchange students. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that their email address is indicated and is legible.
  • Students who do not speak English as a first language must send proof of language proficiency equal to the appropriate TOEFL scores.
Please note:
  • Exchange programmes run only during the academic year (Semesters I and II) and not during Summer.
3. Receipt of Admissions Package and Arrangements for Student Visas

The International Office at Cave Hill, in conjunction with the relevant Faculty, reviews the application and supporting documentation and issues an admission package directly to the student. The acceptance package is sent to the applicant's permanent home address. If you will be resident at another address during the Summer please indicate to the International Office. Documentation required to apply for the appropriate immigration documentation is part of the Admission's package. Students starting their exchange in September, can expect to receive their admission package by July 1.

Ready to Apply for the Student Exchange Programme? Download Application Form »

Short-Term Programmes

Barbados Interdisciplinary Tropical Studies (BITS) Programme (With McGill University)
This summer programme is an activity-filled, hands-on study experience for students with a distinct Caribbean flavour. It exposes students to a wide range of agri-food-energy industries and related socio-economic issues in Barbados. Intensive course work is integrated with group project work and contributes to the formation of professionals with planning, managing, decision-making, and communication skills. The programme addresses a global need for experienced international professionals capable of interacting with various levels of government, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector.

Continuing and Professional Development Courses
The Centre for Professional Development and Lifelong Learning offers a range of exciting short courses throughout the year, including the summer and winter periods.  You can visit the website and browse the courses HERE.

Summer School Courses

The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus offers a select number of undergraduate Courses during the summer.  Teaching lasts for six weeks, followed by a one-week break before the two-week examination period begins. It is anticipated that students will be offered thirty-six hours of instruction, divided into two-hour segments in the timetable (6 hours per week). It must be emphasised, however, that specific teaching arrangements in a given course may vary.  Details on the courses to be offered during the summer programme for an academic year can be obtained from


Specially Admitted Students

In addition to the students admitted to courses leading to degrees, the Vice Chancellor may admit to the University as specially admitted students for limited periods, such persons as he may deem fit provided that they comply with the following regulations.

The University makes provisions for special admission:
  • If you are registered at another University and wish to follow courses at UWI by special arrangement for credits at your own University.
  • If you are sponsored by your Government or employer to read certain courses, not for credit towards a University qualification, under a special arrangement.
  • If you are a UWI graduate wishing to pursue a specific course/s to equip yourself for a particular job; increase your efficiency in the performance of a job, satisfy entry requirements to a programme at The UWI or in another institution; or update or improve your knowledge in a subject.
  1. Applications for special admissions must be made on the appropriate application forms. A non-refundable application fee of BDS$35 (US$20 for non-Caribbean applicants) must accompany the application for special admission.
  2. To be considered for entry as a “Specially Admitted Student” applicants should normally be matriculable.
  3. Those students who do not satisfy the requirements for entry to the University should provide satisfactory evidence of their previous studies. In appropriate cases they may be required to sit a special entrance examination. In the assessment of the qualifications of applicants due allowance should be made for their maturity.
  4. Specially admitted students shall be required to pay the appropriate fees as are in effect.
  5. Such students shall be required to comply with the General Regulations for students as are in effect.
  6. Normally, a specially admitted student should be allowed to take no more than (12) credits in any given year, nor more than a total of 24 credits under this category of registration.
  7. Specially admitted students are permitted to write the University examinations appropriate to the course(s) they have been allowed to pursue.
  8. Their membership of the University shall be subject to satisfactory reports on their work and conduct.
  9. The credits obtained through special admission can be counted towards UWI certification and University programmes provided they have been obtained within such time limits as are set from time to time by the institution.

Ready to Apply for Special Admission? Download Application Form »



University of California, Irvine

Read about Cupid Caesar's Experience »

Contact us for further information:
Telephone: (246) 417-4972/417-4656 | Fax: (246) 424-3320 | Email: