Dr. Antonio Alleyne
Alleyne, A., Zhang, Z., & Mu, Y. (2020). Sustaining International Trade with China: Does ACFTA Improve ASEAN Export Efficiency? Sustainability, 12(6159).
Mu, Y., Yin, Q., & Alleyne, A. (2020). Banking Crises’ Impacts on Bilateral Trade. In F. Abraham, & Z. Zhang, China’s Rise and Internationalization: Global and Regional Challenges and Impact (pp. 67-106).
Lorde, T., Alleyne, A., Hosein, R., & Mu, Y. (2019). Should the Caribbean Look to the East? An Assessment of Caribbean Export Potential. The International Trade Journal. doi:10.1080/08853908.2019.1687056
Mr. Gavin Bovell
Pounder, P., Bovell, G., & Pilgrim-Worrell, S. (2013). A Review of Supply Chain Management and Its Main External Influential Factors. Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 14.
Dr. Mahalia Jackman
Jackman, M. (2015). They called it the ‘abominable crime’: an analysis of heterosexual support for anti-gay laws in Barbados, Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago. Sexuality Research & Social Policy, 13, 130-141. doi:10.1007/s13178-015-0209-6
Jackman, M. (2017). Protecting the fabric of society? Heterosexual views on the usefulness of the anti-gay laws in Barbados, Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 19, 91-106. doi:10.1080/13691058.2016.1207806
Jackman, M. (2020). Religion, Contact, and Ambivalent Attitudes Toward the Rights of Gays and Lesbians in Barbados. Journal of Homosexuality, 67(11), 1512-1532. doi:10.1080/00918369.2019.1601434
Professor Troy Lorde
Jackman, M., Lorde, T., Naitram, S., & Greenaway, T. (2020). Distance matters: The impact of physical and relative distance on pleasure tourists’ length of stay in Barbados. Annals of Tourism Research. doi:10.1016/j.annals.2019.102794
Lorde, T., & Joseph, T. S. (2019). Technology, Airbnb, technological change and disruption in Barbadian tourism: A theoretical framework. Third World Quarterly, 40(12), 2190-2209. doi:10.1080/01436597.2019.1633913
Lorde, T., Jacob, J., & Weekes, Q. (2019). Price-setting behavior in a tourism sharing economy accommodation market: A hedonic price analysis of Airbnb hosts in the Caribbean. Tourism Management Perspectives, 30, 251-261. doi:doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2019.102794
Dr. Simon Naitram
Jackman, M., & Naitram, S. (2015). Nowcasting Tourist Arrivals in Barbados–Just Google It! Tourism Economics , 21(6), 1309-1313.
Naitram, S. (2014). Offshore Financial Centers in the Global Capital Network. Global Economy Journal, 14(3-4), 435-451. doi:10.1515/gej-2013-0059
Naitram, S. (2020). An Optimal Benefit-Based Corporate Income Tax. Working Paper.
Professor Justin Robinson
Robinson, C. J., & Bangwayo-Skeete, P. F. (2018). The Information Content of Dividend Announcements: Evidence From Frontier Markets With Varying Tax Regimes In Jamaica And Trinidad And Tobago, 2001-2017. Applied Econometrics and International Development, Euro-American Association of Economic Development, 18(2), 73-86.
Robinson, J., & Bangwayo-Skeete, P. (2017). Semi-strong Form Market Efficiency in Stock Markets with Low Levels of Trading Activity: Evidence from Stock Price Reaction to Major National and International Events. Global Business Review, 18(6), 1447-1464.
Robinson, J., Glean, A., & Moore, W. (2018). How Does News Impact on the Stock Prices of Green Firms in Emerging Markets? Research in International Business and Finance, 1447-1464.