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Specially Admitted Students

The University permits special admission of eligible candidates who do not wish to read for a full degree programme.  In order to be considered you must meet the eligibility and academic requirements outlined as follows:.


To be eligible to  apply for special admission you must be:
  • Registered at another University and wish to follow courses at UWI by special arrangement for credits at your own University.
  • Sponsored by your Government or employer to read certain courses, not for credit towards a University qualification, under a special arrangement.
  • A UWI graduate wishing to pursue a specific course/s to equip yourself for a particular job; increase your efficiency in the performance of a job, satisfy entry requirements to a programme at The UWI or in another institution; or update or improve your knowledge in a subject.


  • Applications for special admissions must be made on the appropriate application forms. A non-refundable application fee of BDS$60 (US$30 for non-Caribbean applicants) must accompany the application for special admission.
  • To be considered for entry as a specially admitted student, an applicant should normally be eligible to matriculate at The UWI.
  • Students who do not satisfy the requirements for entry to The UWI may be considered once they provide satisfactory evidence of their previous studies. In appropriate cases they may be required to sit a special entrance examination. In the assessment of the qualifications of applicants, due allowance should be made for their maturity.
  • In addition to the application fee, specially admitted students will be charged the appropriate tuition fees.
  • Specially admitted students are required to comply with the General Regulations for students as are in effect.
  • Normally, a specially admitted student is allowed to take a maximum of 12 credits in any given year, and a maximum of 24 credits under this category of registration.
  • Specially admitted students are permitted to write the University examinations appropriate to the course(s) they have been allowed to pursue.
  • Their membership of the University shall be subject to satisfactory reports on their work and conduct.
  • The credits obtained through special admission can be counted towards UWI certification and University programmes provided they have been obtained within such time limits as are set from time to time by the institution.
DOWNLOAD Specially Admitted Student Form (PDF)