Profile: | I have a keen interest in student development and student wellbeing. For me there is no greater pleasure than developing and implementing services that can provide powerful transformative learning experiences that empower students to be successful and become well–rounded individuals.
I am a proud UWI Cave Hill graduate, an experience that has provided me with a sound education that has given me the confidence to be the best that I can be. This institution has provided me with the opportunity to meet persons from across the region and provided me with an academic rigor that has influenced my success as a Graduate student at Howard University. It has provided me with lasting memories and friendships for which I am eternally grateful.
I am grateful for the opportunity to have served the Cave Hill Community for the last ten years; initially in the capacity of Psychological Counsellor and now as Director. My role is to oversee and guide the strategic development of a range of student development and support services that include new student orientation, resident life, student clubs and societies, student government, academic support, career counselling and career development, the First Year Experience Programme, health and wellness services, psychological counselling, co-curricular programmes, peer- helping and student mediation. I also advocate on students’ behalf, and in this respect, I provide a consultative role to UWI stakeholders to help them understand student needs so that we provide a supportive and enabling living and learning environment.
I completed a certificate in University and College Administration through the University of Manitoba in 2014. |