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Faculty of Social Sciences

Sagicor Cave Hill School of Business and Management

Staff, Faculty & Research

Excellence, student centredness and flexibility are the principles which guide the academic, administrative and support staff at the  Sagicor Cave Hill School of Business and Management (SCHSBM). The people of SCHSBM are well acquainted with going the extra mile to support the largest number of degree programmes and students at the Cave Hill Campus. SCHSBM is staffed by a cadre of full-time academics, many of whom have left high-level business and consulting positions out of a duty of care for the future leaders of the Caribbean region. The full-time faculty are ably supported by a core of Caribbean professionals and international academics who serve as Adjunct (part-time) lecturers and tutorial leaders out of a similar commitment to the peoples and societies of the Caribbean and the world. Take the opportunity to meet the people of SCHSBM by viewing our staff profiles below. 


Dr. Dion Greenidge - Interim Executive Director and CEO of the Sagicor Cave Hill School of Business and Management

Dr. Dion GreenidgeIn 2021, Dr. Dion Greenidge took up the helm of the Sagicor Cave Hill School of Business and Management. As Interim Executive Director and CEO, he is committed to engaging faculty and staff who bring world class training and experience to the classroom and to working alongside them to deliver world class business education grounded in Caribbean economic and social realities.  Like his staff, Dr. Greenidge views student centredness as top priority.  He is also firmly committed to the constant reinvention of graduate and undergraduate programme offerings to reflect the dynamism of the global business environment and the changing demands of SCHSBM's various stakeholders. 

Sagicor Cave Hill School of Business and Management
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