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Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies

Seminar Series 2000 - 2009

The Right Not To Be Hit: Global-Local Tension on the Corporal Punishment of Children - Christine Barrow

Civil Society Internationalism and Trade Negotiations - Kristina Hinds-Harrison

Gender Tropes and Discourses in the Turbulence of Global Finance - Don Marshall

Compassionate Leadership: A Key to Caribbean Prosperity - Rosina Wiltshire

The Rule of Law: A Genealogy of the Marriage/Common Law Marriage/Visiting Relationships Typology (and a belated response to Professor Barry Chevannes' "If the Shoe Doesn't Fit: Law and the African-Caribbean Family") Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies, Vol. 27, No. 2, June 2002, pp. 80-95) - Tracy Robinson

Price Reform and Household Demand for Electricity - Winston Moore.
Meta-Narratives of Financialisation: Locating Caribbean OFCs Offshore Financial Centres - Don Marshall

Discretion Examined: The Role of Gender in the Application of Discretion by Members of the Police and Wider Society - Corin Bailey

The Potential Impact of a Minimum Wage on Poverty and Income in Barbados - Winston Moore, Rudolph Browne and Shernel Thompson

Contestation and Spatial Boundaries: Revisiting Caribbean Political Economy - George Brathwaite

Neo-liberal Globalization, Transnational Capitalism, 'Accumulation by Dispossession' and the Contemporary Caribbean - Hilbourne Watson

Understanding Firms' Environmental Performance: Does News Matter? - Nlandu Mamingi.
A Review of Price Cap Regulation of Telecoms in Barbados - Winston Moore

Conditions for Enterprise Development in Barbados - Jonathan Lashley

Wage Settlements, Inflation and Productivity in Barbados - Andrew Downes

Firms' Environmental Performance: Does News Matter? - Nlandu Mamingi

Contemplating the Right to Life, Liberty and Labour: Gender and Poverty in Belize - April Bernard

Domestic Violence and Child Abuse: Existing Research and Future Directions - Letnie Rock.

An Analysis of Bid Pricing for a Hotel - Stephen Harewood

Sovereignty versus Security? The Development of Transnational Policing in the Caribbean Region - Ben Bowling

Montserrat: A Study of Caribbean Resiliency - Karen Ring

Delivering a Patient-Oriented Health Service: the Views of Physicians in Barbados - Clare Xanthos

Sexual Discourse and the Influence of HIV/AIDS Epidemic on Caribbean Analysis - Philip Nanton

Trick or Treat? Redefining Social Justice in Exoteric Terms under the CSME - George Brathwaite

Fear and Policing in Inner-City Communities - Corin Bailey

The New International Financial Architecture and Implications for the Caribbean - Don Marshall

IMF Stabilisation Programmes and the Inflation-Output Trade-Off - Winston Moore

A Review of Price Cap Regulation of Telecoms in Barbados - Hallam Hope and Winston Moore.
Exchange Rate Strategy in CARICOM: The Way Forward – ­DeLisle Worrell

Discourses on Scientific Finance: Understanding Financial Globalisation. – Don Marshall

Who’s Right? Human Rights, Sexuality and Social Change in the Caribbean . – David Murray

Violence in Schools: Whose Fault is it? A Polemic. – Elsie R-M LeFranc

Gender Construction in Scientific Finance: Sexualised Discourse and the International Financial Reform. – Don Marshall

Grenada and Social Vulnerability in the Wake of Hurricane Ivan. – Philp Nanton

Manufacturing: Heart of the Caribbean Economy. – Ken Blawatt

Power and Masculinity: An Iconographic Analysis of African Film. – Jane Bryce

Introducing Port Limon: Investigating Black Identity in Costa Rica . – Carmen Hutchinson-Miller.

Financing Constraints and Corporate Growth. May - Mr. Winston Moore

What is Democratic Quality?. Prof. May - Stein Ringen

The Problem of Poverty and How to Report on it. June - Prof. Stein Ringen

Exploring Conceptual and Theoretical Frameworks for Analyzing Leadership and Outcomes of Winning in West Indies Cricket. October - Edward “Eddie” Corbin

Technology Transfer in the Caribbean: A Case Study Approach. October - Aridam Banik.

Ongoing Neoliberal Globalisation and the Caribbean Response. October - Dr. Don Marshall

The IMF: Past, Present and Future. October - Prof. Graham

BirdTrans-Atlantic Police Cooperation: A Study of Caribbean Law Enforcement Linkages. October - Prof. Ben Bowling

Strategic Trade and Industrial Policy Making Process in Africa: The Case of Uganda. November - Dr. Tenkir Bonger

New Class of Shocks and the Dwindling of World Economy. December - Dr. Sunday Iyare. 

The Case for Revenue Management in the Barbados Tourism Industry. January - Stephen I. Harewood.

Survey of Barbadian Businesses: Main Findings and Issues. February - Jonathan G. Lashley.

The Commonality of Gender-Based Violence. March - Elsie R-M LeFranc, Letnie Rock.

Factors Impacting on the Choice of Entrepreneurship as a Career by Barbadian Youth: A Preliminary Assessment. June - Maxine McClean, Joseann Small. 

Price Volatility and Financial Instability. - No. 1/2001 - DeLisle Worrell and Hyginus Leon.

The State of Export Manufacturing in the Eastern Caribbean: A Preliminary Report and Assessment. January - Don D. Marshall, Glyn B. Williams with Cheryl Collymore and Sonia Inniss.

Creating a Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the Barbados Tourism Industry. January - Stephen Harewood.

Patterns of Foreign Direct Investment in India, China and the Caribbean. March - Michael Howard, Arindam Banik.

Issues in Rethinking the Caribbean-British Diaspora. April - Philip Nanton.

Dirigisme or Benign Neglect? Identifying the Politics of Tourism Development and Planning in Barbados. May - Valdene Barrow. 

Web Presence as a Growing Marketing Tool for Barbados' Tourism Product: Addressing the Challenges and Opportunities for Greater Effectiveness. - January. - Simon Best.

Policy Issues in Education and Development. - February, March. - Hon. Erskine Sandiford. - (3-Part Special) ( No hard copies)

The Potential Role of Health Insurance for Financing Health Services in the Eastern Caribbean. - March - Dr. Logan Brenzel

Globalization, Governance and development: The Tension Between the National and the International Community. - March. - Prof. Clifford Griffin.

Globalization: Understanding the Contradictory Process in modern Society. - April. Dr. Dave Ramsaran. ( No hard copies. Work-in-progress)

Tourism in the Caribbean: A Philosophical Perspective?. - April. - Dr. Majid Amini.

A Linear Program Approach to Export Development of the CARICOM Citrus Juice Investment. - May. - Clifton Charles.

A Demographic Profile of Barbados and its Implications for Socio-Economic Development. - June. - Dr. David Yeboah.

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