Research Support
Intellectual Property Management

The University of the West Indies affirms the principal of freedom of research and unrestricted dissemination of the information generated for the advancement of the public interest. 

It is not a principal aim of The UWI to undertake research solely in anticipation of profit.  However, it is recognised that significant financial benefits may be derived from the commercialisation of products created within The University. 

Such commercialisation should be undertaken within a framework which safeguards both the interests of the individuals who create products as well as the interests of The UWI.

The UWI Policy on Intellectual Property Management and Commercialisation

This Policy provides the framework of principals which govern the ownership and disposition of intellectual property, the respective rights and responsibilities of those involved and the administrative arrangements for the management of intellectual property in The University.  The Policy also provides guidance on the commercialisation of intellectual  property developed within The UWI and on the use of University-owned trade marks.

The Policy covers copyrightable materials, inventions, trade marks and plant varieties. View the document here >>


If you believe you have come up with an invention, the first step is to complete The University’s Invention Disclosure Form. Contact The Office of Research Development and Knowledge Transfer if you need assistance with the form and to submit the completed form. 

Research Support
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