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Faculty of Law Library


The Law Library is centrally located within the Faculty of Law. With modern facilities and a developing collection of West Indian and Commonwealth  legal  materials.  It is considered the premier legal library in the Commonwealth Caribbean. The Law Library has also provided access to a number of international legal databases as well as its own.
Its collection, first volumes acquired by gift from the Attorney General of the West Indies Federation Library in mid 1970s, now numbers in excess of 500,000 volumes. Significant benefactors include the British Overseas Development Administration, the Canadian Bar Association, the Caribbean Law Institute (CLI), Ford Foundation, University of Virginia Law Library, York University Law Library, and most of the Commonwealth Caribbean Governments.
The Law Library aims at providing a legal reference and copying services for practitioners and researchers in general, in addition to supporting the teaching programmes at the Faculty of Law where close to 700 students, including postgraduate students, are registered.

Originally funded by USAID in 2001, the website CariLaw which is an electronic database of regional Commonwealth cases, was established by the Law Library in 2005 and is being updated continuously. The maintenance of the website is done by the Campus IT Services (CITS).
The Law Library has a staff complement of 3 professionals, 12 full time and 5 part time clerks. View Staff »