The University of the West Indies (UWI), at Cave Hill, Barbados

The University of the West Indies

at Cave Hill, Barbados

Health and Wellness
The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus encourages healthy lifestyles, while supporting a positive work environment and promoting a balance between personal and work responsibilities. 
Our employee engagement initiative “putting people first” as set out in our Strategic Plan, sets the tone for our expression of sincere appreciation for all the hard work put in by our most valuable resource – our employees. We also recognise that it is becoming increasingly difficult to balance the demands of career, personal and family life.
Since we are committed to assisting our most valuable resource in the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle and a balance  between work, family and personal life, we offer a variety of programmes to make this journey smoother.

The UWI Fit5 Programme

Healthier lifestyles ….. a way of life!! Find out about the Programme and meet one of our Success Stories »


The BodyTone Staff Gym

The gym offers classes in Tai chi, Yoga, Aerobics, Flexibility Training and Body Toning. 

Read more about the gym and the classes offered »

Other Classes - Line Dancing, Socaerobics

Line Dancing classes are also available in the Educational Media Services courtyard on Fridays; Socaerobics classes available on the Hockey astro-turf on Wednesdays.