Postgraduate students may be employed for up to twelve (12) hours a week without losing their full-time student status.
There are a number of areas on the Campus where students can be employed. These include the Main Library, Campus IT Services Department and Educational Media Services.
Postgraduate students are also employed as Invigilators, Part-time tutors, Research Assistants, and Demonstrators on the Campus.
Enquiries should be made as follows:
- Invigilators - The Examinations section of the Registry
- Demonstrators - Head of Department, Biological and Clemical Sciences; Head of Department, Computer Science, Maths and Physics
- Part-time Tutors - Head of relevant Department
- Research Assistants - Head of relevant Department
- Graduate Assistant - Head of relevant Department
Postgraduate students contracted to Demonstrator posts for a full academic year may have their tuition fees waived. Your Head of Department can provide necessary information.