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Faculty of Science and Technology

Science for ALL

The Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of the West Indies (UWI), Cave Hill Campus, has adopted the philosophy of Science for ALL. Through this philosophy, we strongly believe that Science should be made available to all who are interested, regardless of their income, gender or disability.
Consequently, the Faculty has adopted the position that all new Faculty policies, frameworks and initiatives must be approached from a universal design methodology, ensuring that all students and staff can participate. This philosophy permeates and is integrated into all initiatives within the Faculty.

The Faculty is increasing the accessibility of both its taught and research programmes. The successful implementation of this project has become increasingly urgent given the recent rise in the number of persons with disabilities applying to study within the Faculty. In fact, the Faculty has experienced an increase in the number of students with learning disabilities applying for accommodation.
Some of our researchers are involved in the development of solutions for persons with disabilities, such as the modern version of the white cane for the blind and visually impaired.

Faculty of Science and Technology
Telephone: (246) 417-4312 Fax:(246) 417-4597 Email: