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Faculty of Science and Technology

Department of Biological & Chemical Sciences


Connor Blades  (Barbados)



Job Title: Research Assistant
Qualifications: MPhil in Ecology, UWI Cave Hill, 2020
Graduation Year: 2020

UWI is a great centre for learning ecology and conservation science in the Caribbean. I carried out my research here in Barbados working under great tutelage from my supervisor, research committee and instructors. I was impressed with how fellow researchers are interested in and supportive of others’ work, a sense of community from a wide range of specialties which serves you as a student researcher well. You can benefit from other researchers’ expertise, and they in turn can benefit from yours. Science is a group effort; no research is done in a vacuum. I am grateful for the opportunity that UWI has provided in supporting my research in a way that gently guided me while still allowing me to feel like it was my own work.

Department of Biological & Chemical Sciences
Telephone: (246) 417-4574/4324/4323/4322 Email: