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Faculty of Social Sciences

Department of Government, Sociology, Social Work & Psychology

Academic Staff

Dr. Joan Phillips

Dr. Joan Phillips

Senior Lecturer in Sociology

Department: GSSWP


Dr. Joan Phillips is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology.  She is a graduate of the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, and completed her PhD at the University of Bedfordshire. She is also a recipient of a Leverhulme Post-doctoral fellowship from the University of London, Royal Holloway.

Dr Phillips has extensive research and lecturering experience both in the region and internationally. Her previous employment experience includes Lecturer at the University of Brighton, University of London and University of Reading. She was a Research Fellow at the Policy Studies Institute in the UK and is a reviewer for a number of academic journals.


Ph.D.  Sociology of Tourism, University of Bedfordshire
M.Phil Sociology University of the West Indies
B.Sc.  Sociology, University of the West Indies

Research Areas

Dr Phillips is a qualitative researcher whose work focuses on sex work, race and class and inequalities. She is skilled in In-depth interviews, undertaking focus groups, and observation. She is also skilled in Qualitative Data Analysis Software- NVIVO and Nudist.

Dr Phillips co-Principal Investigator on the Partnership for Innovation in Africa (PIRA ) project examining Race/Ethnicity and the question of Post-colonial Citizenship; A comparative study of East Africa and the Anglophone Caribbean.

Teaching Areas

Classical Social Theory
Modern Social Theory
Tourism of Development
Gender and Development
Caribbean Kinship
Caribbean Social Development
Sociology of Development

Select Publications

  1. 2018 - “Migrant Sex work or sex trafficking” Reflections on “trafficking in women’: a Caribbean post-colonial perspective. (Eds) Corin Bailey and K Joosen, pp318-324.

    2019 -Deportation: challenging the Caribbean’s anti-trafficking policies” in Palgrave International Handbook of Human trafficking.’ In Handbook of Human Trafficking eds J. Winterdyke and J Jones, Palgrave MacMillan, pp1-15.

    2019 - Section editor “Explanations and Methods of social inquiry”, in Palgrave International Handbook of Human Trafficking. In Handbook of Human Trafficking eds J. Winterdyke and J Jones, Palgrave MacMillan. 

    2015 - and L. Bury, Hackney Pause Pilot: Phase I, Evaluation of a pilot to support women who have had multiple and consecutive children removed through care proceedings, report published by the London Borough of Hackney. 

    2011- Tourism in the twenty first century, power commodification and consumption.”


Department of Government, Sociology, Social Work & Psychology
Telephone: (246) 417-4288/4293/4996 Fax:(246) 422-4425 Email: