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Faculty of Social Sciences

Department of Economics


Professor Winston Moore

Professor Winston Moore

Deputy Principal

Professor of Economics

Department: ECON


Professor Winston R. Moore is presently the Deputy Principal of The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus. Over his career he has published over 100 peer reviewed articles, books and book chapters. In addition to the quantum of his research, the quality of this research is reflected by the number of citations it has received. His research has received more than 1000 citations, with over 700 of these occurring since 2015.  Since joining The UWI in 2006, Professor Moore has taken on a number of leadership roles within the University. Prior to assuming the role of Deputy Principal, he was Director of the School for Graduate Studies and Research. Prior to that, he served as the Head of the Department of Economics.


PhD Economics, University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom
MSc Economics (Merit), University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom
BSc. Economics (First Class Honours), The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados

Research Areas

Professor Winston R. Moore has been actively involved in modelling the economic development of Caribbean economies.  During this period, Professor Moore has published papers and reports on the subjects listed below:

Accounting for Environmental Assets as Sovereign Wealth Funds (co-author Keron Niles), Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment, 2019.

Visitors’ Willingness to Pay Marine Conservation Fees in Barbados (co-authors Schuhmann, P; Skeete, R; Waite, R; Lorde, T; Bangwayo-Skeete, P; Oxenford, H; Gill, D; Spencer, F), Tourism Management, 2019, Vol 71, pp. 315-326 

Financing Constraints and the R&D Decision in the Caribbean (co-authors Tracey Broome and Philmore Alleyne). Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 2018, Vol. 30, pp. 964-986 .

How Does News Impact on the Stock Prices of Green Firms in Emerging Markets?  (co-authors Justin Robinson and Adrian Glean). Research in International Business and Finance, 2017, Vol. 45, pp. 446-453.

Should Cryptocurrencies be Included in the Portfolio of International Reserves held by Central Banks? (co-author Jeremy Stephen). Cogent Economics and Finance, 2017, Vol. 4(1), 1147119 .

Climate Change, Atlantic Storm Activity and the Regional Socio-Economic Impacts on the Caribbean (co-authors Troy Lorde and Wayne Elliot). Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2017, Vol. 19(2), pp.707-726 .

Entry into Export Markets and Quality Certifications: Evidence from Developing Countries (co-author Prosper Bangwayo-Skeete). Applied Econometrics and International Development, 2016, Vol. 15(2), pp. 17-34 .

Foreign Exchange Reserve Adequacy and Exogenous Shocks (co-author Adrian Glean). Applied Economics, 2015, Vol. 48(6), pp. 1-12 .

Comparative Advantage and Green Goods in the Caribbean (co-authors Shamika Walrond and Stefano Pereira).Social and Economic Studies, 2015, Vol. 64(2), pp. 

Supporting the Growth of Service Exports in the Caribbean (co-author Justin Carter). Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies, 2015, Vol. 40 (1), pp. 81-108 .

The Informal Economy and Economic Volatility Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies, 2015, Vol. 8 (1-2), pp. 185-200.

Teaching Areas

Industrial Economics
Economic Planning
Mathematics for Economics III
Microeconomic Theory
Mathematical Methods

Additional Info

For a full listing of Professor Moore's publications please view the links below:
RePec Profile
Google Scholar Profile
Research Gate Profile
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