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Faculty of Medical Sciences

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About the Medical Students Association (MSA)

MSA member with ChildrenThe Medical Students’ Association, MSA, serves as the interface between all medical students from Year 1 to Year 5, health sciences students, and the Faculty members. We are a subsidiary of the Guild of Students and currently comprised of 13 council members who hail from various islands across the Caribbean.

As a medical association we seek to highlight the many dynamic and unique areas medicine has to offer and facilitate initiatives that allow the fellow medical student body to be desensitised, informed and exposed. We also aim to address academic and social concerns as well as boost faculty pride of each MEDSCI student (through activities such as faculty competitions (MEDSCI Cricket Match), interfaculty sport (Med Law Soccer Match) and organisation bench painting/branding).

This academic year (2019-2020) the MSA will carry out various events/initiatives through outreach (Teddy Bear Clinics, Geriatric Outreach, and a Children’s Book drive), Welfare (with a special focus on mental health), and wellness through health fairs and volunteer checkup services which will all serve as more practical opportunities available to student volunteers.

Follow link to the MSA website.
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Telephone: (246) 417-4694/4703/4264 Fax: (246) 438-9170 Email: