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Faculty of Medical Sciences

Research Home


The Faculty of Medical Sciences leads and collaborates in clinical, non-clinical, and translational health research to inform medical practice and strengthen healthcare systems locally, regionally and internationally. Research training and opportunities to engage in research activities are incorporated in undergraduate and postgraduate curricula, as well as continuing professional development for members of staff. Faculty members’ research activities are based on areas of expertise, identified health research priorities, specific interests, and collaboration with colleagues.

Postgraduate research is undertaken in research-based and taught graduate programmes. Research-based postgraduate training, including PhD and MPhil programmes, is available in the disciplines of medical microbiology, immunology, pharmacology, public health, and epidemiology. The Doctor of Medicine (DM) residency programmes include clinical research components in partial fulfillment of degree requirements.

Recent basic science and non-clinical research has included studies concerning the ethno-pharmacological evaluation of medicinal plants and their interaction with conventional drugs; factors influencing wound healing; exercise physiology; histological research; climate health; and several projects in the behavioural sciences and medical education.

Clinical research is bolstered by access to public clinical facilities in Barbados and a memorandum of understanding between the Barbados Ministry of Health and Wellness and The University of the West Indies to facilitate sharing of resources for strengthening healthcare provision in Barbados. The Faculty of Medical Sciences maintains a formal relationship with the George Alleyne Chronic Disease Research Centre (GA-CDRC) that promotes collaboration in research and teaching to build capacity in research, practice, and policy.
Click here » GA CDRC website.

The research laboratory at the Cave Hill site provides approximately 2000 sq ft of generalised and specialised laboratory space. The laboratory is outfitted with core equipment for bench research in various basic medical science disciplines. Resources for clinical research are bolstered by access to public polyclinics and laboratory facilities, as well as the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

There is a Research Ethics Committee (Institutional Review Board) jointly serving The University of the West Indies and the Ministry of Health of Health and Wellness. All research involving human participants must be reviewed prior to data collection. The faculty also has a Research and Postgraduate Committee chaired by the Deputy Dean – Graduate Studies and Research. This committee assesses research training needs and infrastructure to facilitate faculty, undergraduate, and postgraduate research.

FMS research outputs have been published in peer-reviewed journals globally and presented at regional and international conferences. Commissioned technical reports have informed health policy and practice in Barbados and the Caribbean region.

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Faculty of Medical Sciences
Telephone: (246) 417-4694/4703/4264 Fax: (246) 438-9170 Email: