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Student Financing


The University of the West Indies offers Academic Bursaries to eligible continuing undergraduate students. 

Full-time students who would have successfully completed the first year of a three year degree programme, or the first year of the MBBS, Stage 1 Examinations in the Faculty of Medical Sciences by May 2024 are invited to apply for bursaries for the 2024/2025 academic year.
N.B. Students reading for more than one preliminary course in the Faculty Science & Technology are not eligible.

To be eligible for consideration for an Academic Bursary you must have a GPA of 3.0 or above.  
The following bursaries are available:

Academic Bursaries: [ Click here to Complete Application Form  ]
Awarded on the basis of the applicant's academic record with special reference to his/her performance in the 2023/2024 University examinations. (Normally A's & B+'s).

VALUE: BDS$2,230.00 
Applications should be completed by May 31  of the current academic year. 

N.B. Bursaries may not be held jointly with any other award where together the value is more than 15/25%* of maintenance cost plus tuition fees.
*25% - Mona Campus
15% - Cave Hill Campus
15% - St. Augustine Campus