June 16-18, 2021
Postponed from April 22 - 24, 2020)
As has been evident worldwide in recent years, language, in its multifarious uses, both aids and inhibits our interactions with each other in a variety of spheres. Embedded and embodied in the language we use are particular world-views and normative stances. But to what extent are these positions shaped by the language, or shape language itself? What role does the language we use play in developing our cognitive and other psychological capacities, modulating action and contributing to our views of the world we live in? What are the implications for recognising non-dominant languages and regional variations of languages? In this era of the proliferation of voices via social media and other multimedia tools, does language have an even more significant role in shaping political and ethical stances and decisions? If yes, does this imply the need for extending censorship?
The 15th Cave Hill Philosophy Symposium aims to explore such questions, by generally considering language in all its guises. We are interested in papers that consider the ethical, political, and social dimensions of language use, but we are also interested in considering what, if anything, we can still learn philosophically from attending to language. In keeping with the spirit of our conversations, we hope to bring together thinkers operating in and across different philosophical, political, and cultural traditions as well as other disciplines that share a boundary with philosophy.
CHiPS XV was originally planned for April 22 - 24, 2020 but was shifted due the Covid-19 pandemic.