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Faculty of Humanities and Education

School of Education


Professor Stacey Blackman

Professor Stacey Blackman

Professor of Inclusive Education and Disability Studies

Department: School of Education


Stacey Blackman is a Professor of Inclusive Education and Disability Studies at the University of the West Indies Cave Hill campus. She completed her first and second degrees at the University of the West Indies, and her PhD at Cambridge University (UK) as a Cambridge Commonwealth and Chevening Scholar. She was also a past Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill. She is an author, Editor, Fellow of the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust and member of many professional organisations such as the American Education Research Association (AERA), Comparative and International Educational Society (CIES), The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) and the British Psychological Association. Her research addresses a broad range of topics and activities on teachers’ pedagogical practices, inclusion, pupil perspectives and wider issues related to students and persons with disabilities in the Caribbean region.


  • Ph.D., University of Cambridge (2005)
  • Certificate in Education Assessment (RQTU) British Psychological Society (2013)

Research Areas

Areas: Inclusive, special education, pupil perspective, disability studies

Projects: Investigation of Teaching and Learning in Special Education in Barbados (UNICEF)


Teaching Areas

Inclusive and Special Education

Select Publications

Blackman, S. N. J., Conrad, D. A. & Brown, L. I. (2019) (Eds). Achieving inclusive education in the Caribbean and beyond: From philosophy to praxis. Dordrecht, NL: Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-15768-5 (Print) ISBN 978-3-030-15769-2 (eBook).

Conrad, D. A. & Blackman, S.N.J. (2018) (Eds). Responding to Learner Diversity and Difficulties. Information Age Publishing. ISBN Paperback: 9781641133326 Hardcover: 9781641133333 E-Book: 9781641133340

Blackman, S.N.J., Conrad, D.A. & Philip, L. (2018). Responding to barriers to inclusion: The voices of tertiary level students with disabilities in Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago, In, D. A. Conrad and S. N. J. Blackman (Eds).Responding to Learner Diversity and Difficulties (395-416). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Blackman, S.N.J.& Conrad, D. A.  (2017) (Eds). Caribbean Discourse in Inclusive Education: Historical and Contemporary Issues. Information Age Publishing. ISBN Paperback: 9781681237978 Hardcover: 9781681237985 E-Book: 9781681237992

Blackman, S., Conrad, D.A. & Philips, L. (2017). The pre-university experiences of persons with disabilities in Barbados and Trinidad. International Journal of Special Education, 33(2), 238-270.


Additional Info

Current research focuses on inclusion in the wider Caribbean and youth marginalisation.


Inclusion, disability studies, pupil perspective, teacher pedagogy, special education