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Faculty of Humanities and Education

School of Education

CERJ - Submission Guidelines

The editorial team invites the submission of manuscripts that align with the goals and that seek to position Caribbean populations and contexts in ways that demonstrate the assets that they bring to better understanding educational issues and scholarship in and beyond the region. Our team is committed to a timely review of manuscripts. 


Submit your manuscript to the Caribbean Educational Research Journal (CERJ) via the ScholarOne manuscript submission system. This ScholarOne Video will guide you as you navigate the author submission process.

Alternatively, forward a copy of the manuscript to the following address:

Professor Joel Warrican
Co-Editor, Caribbean Educational Research Journal
The School of Education
The University of the West Indies
Cave Hill Campus, P.O.Box 64
Bridgetown, Barbados, West Indies


Manuscript Preparation

Potential authors are advised to develop and submit manuscripts that fit the goals of CERJ and to review previous issues to determine how to address stylistic concerns. We encourage potential authors to identify and make use of scholarship that has been previously published in CERJ as they prepare to submit new manuscripts. We also advise against the use of terminology that may be construed as dehumanizing and caution potential authors to avoid bias in language regarding gender as well as how gender is represented in their work.
All manuscripts submitted to the CERJ must be original works of the author(s) and must not be found to have been previously published in any form or submitted at the same time to other journals.

Manuscript Submission

Original Article: CERJ welcomes high-quality, blinded, research-oriented manuscripts that make significant contributions to advancing knowledge and understanding of education as it relates to the Caribbean, broadly defined. Original articles published in CERJ are based on rigorously conducted research employing diverse epistemologies, methodologies, methods, and disciplinary perspectives.
Manuscripts submitted in this category must be blinded and double-spaced with a maximum length of 6,000 words (excluding references, tables, and figures). Tables and figures must be directly related to the main argument of the paper and may not duplicate material already provided in the manuscript.

In addition to the above, do adhere to the following guidelines:

  • submission of 8 ½” x 11” manuscript with 1” margins in Microsoft Word format;

  • 12pt Times New Roman font and double-spaced;

  • running header (the title of the manuscript in all capital letters) flush left and page numbers flush right;

  • first line of all paragraphs indented;

  • block quotations (40 words or more) should be indented 1/2 inch;

  • headings and reference list in APA 7th Edition format and fact-checked; and 

  • references to the author(s) must be deleted and replaced with “Author(s)” and author(s) own citations in the reference list should be alphabetically ordered as “Author. (Year).” for blinding purposes.

a) Overall, submission files when forwarding a manuscript to CERJ should include: Blinded manuscript following        the guidelines above;

b) Separate title page including: name, affiliation, address, phone number, email address of the author and all co-         authors;         

c) One-paragraph abstract limited to 150 words should accompany all submissions. The abstract should be written      without citations;

d) Up to 5 keywords (the terms that researchers will use to find your article in indexes and databases) at the bottom      of the abstract (limited to five key words and/or 85 characters with spaces).

e)Titles will be limited to 100 characters (with spaces).

Tables and Figures:  Placement and titles for tables and figures in the text should follow APA formatting. Tables and figures should be uploaded as a separate document.

Illustrations. Figures and photos accompanying an initial submission must be provided as production-ready. Digital files are recommended for highest quality reproduction and should follow these guidelines: 300 dpi or higher; sized to fit on journal page; EPS, TIFF, JPEG, and PDF files are preferred; Microsoft Office files are also acceptable as long as they meet the other guidelines listed here. Please submit illustrations as separate documents, not embedded in text files, and submit in grayscale, not color.
CERJ also accepts the following submissions:
Conceptual Article: CERJ accepts research-oriented submissions that are conceptual in nature and that advance new theoretical or methodological perspectives regarding trends and issues in the field of education. Manuscripts submitted in this category are to follow the same guidelines as those provided for Original Articles.
Review of Research: CERJ accepts comprehensive syntheses of research toward developing new understandings and scholarly analyses in the field of education. These may be quantitative or qualitative (e.g., meta-analyses of research) in nature. Manuscripts submitted in this category are to follow the same guidelines as those provided for Original Articles.
Essay/Commentary: CERJ accepts submission of essays or commentaries on the theoretical, methodological, and epistemological issues raised in recent CERJ articles. Manuscripts submitted in this category are to follow the same guidelines as those provided for Original Articles.
Book Review: CERJ accepts book reviews based on books focused on educational research that relate to the Caribbean. Manuscripts submitted in this category are to follow the same guidelines as those provided for Original Articles with the exception of word count. Book Reviews are to be no more than 1500 words in length excluding references.
Emerging Scholar Article: CERJ accepts submissions from emerging and early career scholars towards publication through developmental progression. Manuscripts submitted in this category are to follow the same guidelines as those provided for Original Articles.
Special Issue Article: CERJ accepts submissions towards Special Issues that have been designated by the editors. Calls for Special Issues are available here. Manuscripts submitted in this category are to follow the same guidelines as those provided for Original Articles.
All submissions must conform to the guidelines of American Psychological Association’s Manual of Style (6th ed).
Manuscripts that do not adhere to the guidelines provided above may be returned to the author without further explanation.
Submissions to CERJ are managed through the journal’s official manuscript management system: ScholarOne. Please submit your manuscript via this portal.
Editorial Policy on Manuscript Review

Submitted manuscripts are first reviewed by the editors to determine research integrity, suitability of the topic for the journal, and to identify whether the format is aligned with the journal’s requirements. Manuscripts may be returned without further review if it is determined that they are inappropriate for publication in CERJ. Manuscripts that have been initially screened and align with the criteria for further review are forwarded to Editorial Board Members or to Ad-Hoc Reviews who have the requisite qualifications in educational research and the expertise necessary to undertake the process of peer-review.
Manuscripts are judged primarily based on: (a) ability of the manuscript to make a significant contribution to the field of Caribbean educational research, (b) rigor of methods employed in the research, (c) rigor surrounding the scholarly argument(s), and (d) writing clarity. Potential authors are strongly advised to closely review and follow the following documents that can help to shape their intellectual arguments and contributions: “Standards for Reporting Empirical Social Science Research” (AERA, 2006) and “Standards for Reporting Humanities Oriented Research” (AERA, 2009). Both documents are accessible via
Authors are discouraged from making multiple submissions to CERJ in the same year. Authors should allow a time frame of at least three years to elapse before resubmitting a manuscript to the journal.
Potential contributors who wish to ask questions about editorial policies, manuscript preparation, or the review process are free to contact S. Joel Warrican, Co-Editor, Caribbean Educational Research Journal, Caribbean Educational Research Journal, The School of Education, The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, P. O. Box 64
Bridgetown, Barbados, West Indies. Email:
Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work and for obtaining permission from copyright owners to use a lengthy quotation (exceeding the limits of fair use) or to reprint or adapt a table or figure published elsewhere. Authors should write to the original author(s) and publisher of such material to request nonexclusive world rights in all languages for use in print and non-print versions of the present article and in all future editions. Provide copies of all permissions and credit lines obtained.

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