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Faculty of Humanities and Education

Department of Language, Linguistics and Literature


Translating Caribbean Creole Proverbs

This book celebrates indigenous Caribbean Creole languages and one of their associated cultural vectors, Creole proverbs. It is particularly timely as 2019 has been designated by the United Nations as the Year of Indigenous Languages, and falls within the United Nations Decade for People of African Descent which began in 2015 and will end in 2024. This book will expand on studies which highlight the commonalities in the Caribbean region rather than their differences.

The uniqueness of this collection is firstly its linguistic coverage as a comparative study of the Creole proverbs of the Anglophone and Francophone regions of the Caribbean. Caribbean proverbs collections usually deal with a single territory or a single language. More importantly, it has been made accessible to a wide international scholarly audience by way of providing phonetic transcriptions of the Creole proverbs in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).


The Transatlantic Culture Trade: Caribbean Creole Proverbs from Africa, Europe, and the Caribbean 

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Department of Language, Linguistics and Literature
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