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Faculty of Humanities and Education

Department of Language, Linguistics and Literature


Becariño: Cuadernos de español del Caribe para el Caribe.

BECARIÑO is series of teaching and learning resources for the intermediate-advanced level ELE/ESL class in the Caribbean, which poses an autochthonous, sustainable, cross-curricular, intra- & intercultural look at the paradigms, contexts, uses and protagonists of Spanish that is spoken in the Hispanic insular and continental Caribbean.


Herrero-Martin, R. Con las manos en la masa: Cuaderno de comprensión escritaBecariño: Cuadernos de español del Caribe para el Caribe. Luz Azul Ediciones, 2019. A teaching and learning reading comprehension workbook for the Spanish intermediate-advanced classroom in the Caribbean. 
(Recipient of a BDS$2,000 grant from the Cave Hill Campus Research Awards Fund for the purpose of completing this project). 
Herrero-Martin, R. BeCariño: Recurriendo al español del Caribe para la clase ELE en el Caribe”. 13 International Conference on Foreign Languages, Communication and Culture (WEFLA). University of Holguín, Cuba, April 22-30, 2019. (Recipient of a BDS$2,000 grant from the Cave Hill Campus Research Awards Fund for the purpose of attending this forum). 
Herrero-Martin, R. “DIY: Creating Curriculum-Relevant, Skill-Stimulating, Topical and Culturally Sustainable Didactic Material for your Spanish-as-a-Foreign-Language Advanced Class”. Workshop presented at the first UWI-Cave Hill Hands-on Conference for the Teaching and Learning of Foreign Languages, 3Ws Pavillion, September 27-28, 2018. 

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Department of Language, Linguistics and Literature
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