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Faculty of Culture, Creative and Performing Arts


Cultural Policy Public Lecture Presented by Dr. Marco Chavez Aguayo

The Department of Cultural Studies in collaboration with the Division of Culture, Prime Minister's Office (Barbados) invites you to a Public Lecture entitled "Towards a Participatory Cultural Policy in Barbados: Cultural Rights and Heritage Management". 

The lecture will be delivered by Dr. Marco Chávez Aguayo, Visiting Research Fellow with the Division of Culture, Prime Minister's Office and The UWI, Faculty of Culture, Creative and Performing Arts, Department of Cultural Studies.

Join by Zoom Link: 

Professor Marco Antonio Chavez Aguayo is Visiting Professor of Cultural Studies at The UWI. He holds a Doctor in Management of Culture and Heritage, with the official recognition of "International Doctor", by the University of Barcelona (Spain), which also awarded him the title of “University Master in Cultural Management.” Likewise, he has a Master's Degree in Comparative Studies of Literature, Art and Thought from the Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain), a Degree in Psychology from the ITESO (Jesuit university, Mexico) and is one step away from being an accredited Mediator and Conciliator by the Jalisco Judicial Branch and Lawyer. He has the distinction of National Researcher of Level 1 by the National System of Researchers of Mexico and of "desirable profile" for teaching work by PRODEP of the Ministry of Public Education. He is certified as a Chartered Scientist by The Science Council of the United Kingdom and as a Chartered Psychologist by The British Psychological Society, who has given him “Associate Fellow” designation (AFBPsS). He is a regular member of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), the International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), the International Association for Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS), the Jalisco Academy of Sciences, the scientific committees of the Latin American Center for Cultural Studies (Brazil) and Cultures. In addition, he an editor for the Journal of Cultural Management of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), and of the academic boards of the Doctorate in Management of Culture and the Master in Management of Learning in Virtual Environments of your university.

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