We wish to advise that during the period of National Pause i.e. February 3-17, 2021, all offices at the Faculty of Culture, Creative and Performing Arts will be operating remotely. Our operating hours will be 9.00 a.m.-3.00 p.m., Monday to Friday only. You may contact us by phone or email as follows:
Faculty Office/EBCCI
Email: fccpa@cavehill.uwi.edu
Tel: 417-4776 or 231-9667
Department of Cultural Studies
Email: culturalstudies@cavehill.uwi.edu
Tel: 417-7635
Facilities and Events
Email: ebcci@cavehill.uwi.edu
Telephone: 417-4797 or 417-4782
Students: all classes will continue online during the period. For class-related information, you may check your My Cave Hill eLearning or contact your course Lecturer.
Stay safe!