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Faculty of Culture, Creative and Performing Arts

Department of Creative and Performing Arts

Art Gallery

Art Gallery

The Art Gallery is primarily used for visual art exhibitions but can also be used as a venue for other cultural and artistic activities, including small soirèes, poetry readings or may be converted as a conference/meeting room. The Gallery has seating for approximately sixty to seventy-five (60-75) persons theatre style, or twenty-four (24) conference style; tables and chairs are provided.

The Terrace may be used for serving light refreshments as well. 

Since its opening, the Art Gallery of the EBCCI has featured several exhibitions, including shows by Sheena Rose, Leandro Soto and other community artists. The first ever sixth form student art exhibition, 'Juvenescence' and the Secondary School Visual Arts Teachers exhibition 'Watchmen of our Heritage'  are also highlights of the Gallery's history.

Services of a Curator and a Gallery Attendant are not included.

A non-refundable Booking Fee of Bd$100.00 and Public Liability Insurance is required.

To Book the Art Gallery, download and complete the Booking Form (pdf) and return to the email addresses below.

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For further information and bookings please contact:

Department of Creative and Performing Arts
Telephone: (246) 417-4776 Email:
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30 am - 4.30 pm