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Campus Advisories / Updates


The following list of guidelines and recommendations is put forward to minimise the spread of COVID-19 at The UWI, Cave Hill Campus in the event of the virus reaching Barbados.
  1. Persons are advised to wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Hand sanitising gel of at least 60% alcohol concentration should be used as an alternative only. 
  1. The touching of high-risk surfaces should be minimised. 
  2. Persons should practise proper cough and sneeze etiquette by doing so into the elbow.  
  3. The Campus will work in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Wellness to identify those members of the Campus community who have been exposed to a suspected case of COVID-19 virus. 
  1. Travel to areas affected by COVID-19 by students and staff should be avoided or as directed by the national authority.  
  1. If travel to areas affected by COVID-19 cannot be avoided, students and staff should follow the current recommendations of the national authorities regarding quarantine. 
  1. Faculties should consider minimising the number of activities (e.g. conferences, workshops and lectures) that involve visitors to the Campus for the next 6 months. If these persons do visit the Campus, they should be provided with a copy of these protocols. 
  1. Persons undertaking overseas visits should obtain travel cancellation insurance as well as medical insurance coverage. 
  1. The University will seek to facilitate online learning if restrictions on social gatherings are announced by the national authorities. 
  1. Students should inform the Ministry of Health and Wellness 24-7 hotline OR the Student Health Clinic, by telephone, if they believe they might have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus. 
  1. If a student exhibits any of the symptoms associated with COVID-19, he/she should call the Student Health Clinic.  Under no circumstances should students visit the Health Clinic unless advised to do so. 
  2. For students who are not able to take their examinations due to illness associated with COVID-19, extraordinary measures will be taken in line with Campus quality assurance processes to minimise any negative effects.  These include the use of orals, summer school and supplemental examinations. 
  1. Staff should report to the Ministry of Health and Wellness hotline OR Student Health Clinic, by telephone, if they believe they might have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus.   
  1. If a member of staff believes that he/she is ill and may have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus, they should call their private health care provider for further instructions.   
  1. If a member of staff believes that he/she is ill and may have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus, they should stay away from work while they seek medical attention. 
  1. The Campus will seek to create an online form which members of staff can access in forwarding documents/information to the Human Resources Department. 
  1. Each Department should identify which functions in its Department might be affected by a closure of the Campus and how these functions could be offered online. 
  1. Alternative methods of hosting meetings such as Microsoft Teams should be utiilsed wherever possible. 
Staff and students should pay keen attention to information disseminated by the Cave Hill Office of Marketing and Communications.
The Campus will work towards a dedicated online site for posting all information related to COVID-19, with a link to the World Health Organization (WHO) Website.

The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus
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