Campus Closure due to COVID-19
The following communiqué was issued by The UWI, Cave Hill Campus Management.
The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus has announced its closure from tomorrow 24th March through 5th April, pending further notice. This follows the Government of Barbados’s disclosure that Barbados has moved to Stage 2 of its National Implementation Plan in combatting COVID-19. Closure of the campus is due to the fluid, dynamic situation presented by the challenges of the novel coronavirus.
COVID-19 continues to present an unprecedented set of circumstances that the campus must deal with to ensure the health and wellbeing of our students and staff and the most optimal functioning of the campus under these circumstances. During this period, staff are encouraged to remain at home and some may be required to work remotely. Libraries, labs, study spaces and other areas which we previously announced would remain open are now closed. We will, however, maintain essential on-campus services especially for our residential students.
The Executive University Administration has agreed to the campus closure in an effort to assist with mitigating person-to-person spread of the virus.
The Administration regrets any inconvenience that this closure may cause and urges everyone to stay safe as we continue to navigate these unchartered waters.
Members of the Campus Community are asked to check your Campus email accounts for further details regarding this new development.