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Web Services

The Campus IT Services' Web Team is responsible for the management, development and support of the Cave Hill Campus’ web presence.
We do this by providing the following services:
  • Web Development - develop websites for faculties, departments, schools and units using Kentico CMS
  • Consultancy and Support – advice on the web process, determine website requirements  and the best way to ensure these are met and standards maintained
  • Training –  provide Content Management System and other web training to website editors to keep their websites up to date
  • Web Hosting – websites developed by Campus IT Services are hosted in-house
Campus IT Services' requires that each department identifies one or two individuals to serve as its 'web editor(s)'. Responsibilities of the department's publisher(s) include:
  • Create / Review content
  • Source content support material (e.g. photos, images,and other fill-ins)
  • Assemble the content for publishing
  • Edit for typographical errors, grammar and accuracy
  • Update the site on an on-going basis to ensure relevance and timeliness of information
To find out more about web services, to report a problem with the website or to make a suggestion, please visit the Contact Us page.