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Registration Buddy

Welcome to the University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus.
The Campus  Registration Buddy Programme is a support system of your peers to help you through the registration process. 

Throughout this time, trained continuing students will walk you through the Campus technologies essential to your learning experience. What's great is that your Buddies will be right there with you; we aim to get you technology ready before your registration day.
Connect with your Buddy via MS Teams by completing these steps:
  1. Schedule an appointment by clicking.
  2. Check your campus assigned email for the meeting link one hour before your meeting.
  3. All appointments last 30 minutes and take place using your UWI Cave Hill email and MS Teams.
  4. Schedule at least one appointment with a Registration Buddy in week 1.
  5. Schedule at least one appointment with a Registration Buddy in week 2.
  6. Sign-up for a Group Buddy Live Session using the two Zoom links below.
Registration Buddies look forward to helping you get Technology Ready as you start your Cave Hill Blackbird journey.

Kind regards 
The Registration Buddy Team