The Institutional Planning section of INPLAIS is located on the ground floor of the CLR James Building, UWI, Cave Hill Campus.
The office is responsible to the Principal for overall campus planning, including but not limited to the production and analysis of statistical information, reports and studies relating to staff and students.
As part of the central administration of the Campus, the office works closely with The University Office of Planning (UOP), the Campus Registry and Bursary, Campus IT Services and Faculties and Departments.
Key Functions:
Institutional Research: Conducts in-depth studies and surveys to obtain insights about the Campus’ academic and administrative operations, generates student enrolment projections, student throughput, staff/student ratios, graduate tracer studies and efficiency studies among others.
Data Provision: Supplies accurate and timely data to support the preparation of core metrics, rankings and billings.
Data Analysis: Provides robust data analysis to inform decision and policy-making to enhance institutional effectiveness.
Campus Reports: Prepares a series of detailed reports for Campus and University Councils including the Annual Report to Council, Departmental Reports, Statistics, and Publications. These documents summarize institutional activities, performance metrics, research and strategic outcomes, and are compiled in collaboration with various departments to ensure accuracy and alignment with The UWI’s Strategic Plan, providing a comprehensive overview for senior management and external stakeholders.
Institutional Accreditation: Manages institutional accreditation processes to ensure compliance with standards set by the Barbados Accreditation Council, fostering continuous improvement and ensuring alignment with national quality benchmarks.
Statistics Reports
To view, visit
Statistics and Reports »
Reach Us
Mrs Deborah Deane
Assistant Registrar, Planning
Tel: (246) 417-4081
Email: deborah.deane@cavehill.uwi.edu
Mrs Frances Hinds-Griffith
Assistant Registrar
Tel: (246) 417-4922
Email: frances.hinds-griffith@cavehill.uwi.edu
Ms Charleen Holder
Project Officer (Temporary)
Tel: (246) 417-4082
Email: charleen.holder@cavehill.uwi.edu
Office Email: planningoffice@cavehill.uwi.edu