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The UWI-Leuphana Double LL.M. - International Economic Law

The UWI-Leuphana Double LL.M. - International Economic Law.png

About the Programme



The UWI-Leuphana Double LLM Degree specialising in international economic law is a minimum 12-month degree programme, starting with two semesters at the University of the West Indies, followed by a semester and research paper at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg in Germany.
The programme allows students to specialise in several advanced areas of law while at UWI, from a Caribbean perspective, followed by advanced courses in international economic law at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg in Germany.

Degrees awarded: Two Master of Laws (LL.M.) degrees, one from the Leuphana University of Lüneburg and one from the University of the West Indies
  • Application period: April 1 - June 1
  • Start date: Every winter term, September
  • Extent: 120 CP according to ECTS
  • Duration: 3 semesters
  • Language: English
  • Location: Lüneburg and Bridgetown or St Augustine or Mona
  • Contribution: 720 EUR* at Leuphana University of Lüneburg (per year)
  • Tuition: $10.000 USD* University of the West Indies (per year)

*subject to change

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UWI Semesters I-II (September-April) Cave Hill, Mona or St Augustine

During the first two Semesters of the Double Degree, the UWI student may register in any of the UWI LLM specialties. Depending upon the courses completed, a student will be eligible to receive either the general UWI LLM (unspecialised) or one of the four specialized sub-categories of The UWI LLM programme:
  1. The UWI LLM;
  2. The UWI LLM (Corporate and Commercial Law);
  3. The UWI LLM (Public Law);
  4. The UWI LLM (Legislative Drafting);
  5. The UWI LLM (Intellectual Property Law).

For course and programme descriptions of the UWI LLM please click on the following link to access the most recent version of our LLM Graduate Guide.

Leuphana Second Semester (April-August) Lüneburg

After completing assessments for Semester II of the UWI LLM, the Double degree student will travel to Leuphana University of Lüneburg in Germany in April where he or she will complete the Second Semester of the Leuphana programme, taking the following courses:
  • International Economic Law (10 ECTS)
  • European Economic Law (10 ECTS)
  • European Private Law (10 ECTS)

Click here for course descriptions (PDF) »
See Brochure »

Final Period at Leuphana (June-August)

For the final period at Leuphana the student will complete a Master’s Dissertation (equivalent to 20 ECTS). Click here for further information on the Master’s Dissertation.

What Will I Study?

The blend of com­pul­so­ry mo­du­les at Leuphana and elec­tives at UWI con­sti­tu­tes a uni­que fea­ture of the pro­gram­me en­ab­ling stu­dents to acqui­re:
  1. in-depth knowledge in the various fields of International Economic Law
  2. basic command of the functions of international markets and relations
  3. the ability to analyse the opportunities and limits of global relationships and international regulations concerning international economic aspects
  4. ideal preparation for the application of economic issues within the global framework
  5. other areas of advanced, specialised legal knowledge
  6. the experience of living and studying in another legal and socio-economic culture.

Career Opportunities

Stu­dents will be pre­pa­red spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for specialised areas of legal practice, ma­nage­ment po­si­ti­ons in mul­ti­na­tio­nal com­pa­nies, as well as ad­vi­so­ry po­si­ti­ons in both the pu­blic and pri­va­te sec­tor.

This will be achie­ved by me­ans of a com­pre­hen­si­ve and in-depth ana­ly­sis of the In­ter­na­tio­nal Eco­no­mic Law and its em­bed­ding in na­tio­nal law, in com­bi­na­ti­on with a fo­cus on other core areas of Law and the ac­qui­si­ti­on of in­ter­di­sci­pli­na­ry skills, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in lan­gua­ge and in­ter­cul­tu­ral com­pe­ten­ces.

The dif­fe­rent op­por­tu­nities for spe­cia­li­sa­ti­on provided in the UWI component of the Double Degree al­low em­pha­sis on va­rious legal fiel­ds for legal practice or ca­re­ers in re­se­arch, teaching and ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on.

At a Glance

  • Degree Level: Postgraduate
  • Qualification: LLM
  • Duration: 12-months


Programme Details

The programme aims to deliver a broad, legal and scientific engagement with the players and structures of International Economic Law (final semester study in Lüneburg) and, as well as to facilitate specialisations in one of the core subjects of Law such as Corporate & Financial Law, International Commercial Law, International Competition Law or Intellectual Property Law (first two semesters of study at UWI).

The 12-month stu­dy pro­gram­me may be commenced at any of the UWI Faculties of Law (Cave Hill, Barbados; Mona, Jamaica; St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago), where the first two semesters will be completed.  A final semester and a research paper will be completed over the summer in Lüne­burg, Germany.

Students will be admitted into The UWI-Leuphana Double LLM through a complementary admission process, firstly by the institution at which the student initially applies, and then secondly by the partner institution. Students are required to satisfy admission standards of both Universities. The Leuphana University admission requirements are as follows:

  • A good first degree in law or, subject to the regulations of the admitting Party, a first degree with at least 50% of the credits in law.
  • International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic module (not General Training):
    • overall score 6.5;
    • equivalent scores in another recognised qualification (see below);
    • or demonstrated competence through other evidence.
  • Common equivalent English language qualifications:
    • TOEFL: 92;
    • CAE (Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English): B minimum
    • CPE (Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English): C minimum
    • PTE Academic (Pearson Test of English, Academic test): 68
    • The UWI’s English Language Proficiency Test
The UWI’s admission requirements under The UWI LLM are as follows:
  • The following persons are eligible to apply for admission into The UWI LLM programme:
    • Graduates of the University of the West Indies holding the LLB degree;
    • Graduates of the University of the West Indies or of an approved University holding a degree which includes such law subjects as shall satisfy the Board for Graduate Studies and Research;
    • Graduates of the University of the West Indies, or of an approved University, who have obtained a professional legal qualification and are eligible for admission to practise in any part of the Commonwealth;
    • Persons who having obtained a professional legal qualification, are admitted to practise in any part of the Commonwealth, and who have also been certified as being in practice for a minimum of five years; and
    • Graduates of the University of the West Indies or of an approved University, who satisfy the Board for Graduate Studies and Research of their capability to undertake the course of study leading to the award of The UWI LLM degree.
Applicants may, at the discretion of the Board for Graduate Studies and Research, be required to take a qualifying examination consisting of at least two papers of a minimum of two hours each, which shall be of a standard equivalent to that of Part II or Part III of the LL.B. degree examination in order to satisfy the Board of their suitability to undertake the course of degree leading to The UWI LLM.
The language of instruction is English and applicants whose native language is not English may be required to take an English Proficiency Test set on behalf of the Board for Graduate Studies and Research.
The capacity of applicants to The UWI LLM for the designated course of study will be determined by the admitting campus in accordance with the above criteria, through examining their academic and practical experiences. Letters of reference will also be used to determine suitability.
Students with a third class or pass degree will not normally be admitted to read for The UWI LLM.

If there are more suitable applicants than available places, these places will be awarded according to an internal selection procedure by the relevant UWI Campus or the University of Leuphana.
For the University of the West Indies the following factors are considered:

  • In addition to the above admissions criteria, students will be assessed through examining their:
    • academic and
    • practical experiences.
  • Letters of reference will also be used to determine suitability.
For the University of Leuphana the following factors are considered:
  • Final Grade/GPA of Bachelor degree
  • Experience abroad
  • Voluntary work
  • Award of scholarships
These selection criteria will be converted into points when considered by the University of Leuphana. A ranking list is drawn up on the basis of the number of points that are awarded. A detailed overview of the selection procedure and allocation of points is provided in the Info sheet on the selection procedure.

Programme directors

Dr. David S. Berry
University of the West Indies
Faculty of Law Cave Hill Campus
Bridgetown St. Michael
BB11000 Barbados
Tel +1 (246)-417-4225

Prof. Dr. Jörg Philipp Terhechte
Universitätsallee 1, C4.210
21335 Lüneburg
Tel +49.4131.677-2030
Fax +49.4131.677-2036  

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hohlbein
Universitätsallee 1, C4.112
21335 Lüneburg
Tel +49 4131.677-2057
Fax +49 4131.677-7911  

PROGRAMME Management

Mr Owen Ellis, Senior Assistant Registrar
Graduate Studies and Research
UWI Cave Hill, Barbados
Tel: +1 (246) 417-4904

Ms Claudia Echelmeyer, M.A.
Universitätsallee 1, C14.125
21335 Lüneburg
Tel +49.4131.677-2401