It is with the greatest of pleasure that I can reach out to you, our distinguished alumni, with the first edition of the Cave Hill Law Alumni eNewsletter. The Cave Hill Faculty of Law is undergoing exciting changes and it is time to update you and seek your greater involvement in all of our activities.
We recognize that you, our alumni, are a great untapped resource. As alumni, coming out of a shared Cave Hill Law educational background, you have leveraged your education to develop exciting careers across the region and globe. The experiences you have gained and the areas of expertise you have acquired, whether in law, business or politics, are a potentially life changing resource for our present students. Your views can help shape our curriculum. Your experience can help us find opportunities for growth for the Faculty. As alumni, you can help us raise funds to support students, or to enhance student experiences in the Faculty of Law.
To help you see where you can become more involved, I will use this space to introduce you to some aspects of the current Cave Hill Law experience. I will highlight some of our achievements, strategic plans and goals, within the framework of the University’s Strategic Plan, 2017-22.
Dr. David S Berry
Inside Cave Hill Law Alumni Newsletter Vol 1: Saunders’ Ascension - A Historic Feat